‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ Episode 3-5 Breakdown & Recap
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man returns with three brand-new action-packed episodes.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is an animated series, produced by Marvel Television for Disney+, that follows Peter Parker (Hudson Thames) on his way to becoming a hero, with a journey unlike we’ve ever seen and a style that celebrates the character’s early comic book roots. The first two episodes were a big hit with audiences, and the rest of the show seems to follow suit, but there are some events that are hard for audiences to wrap their heads around. Read our Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man eps 3-5 recap.
The synopsis reads as follows:
The animated series follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming Spider-Man in the MCU, starting with his freshman year of high school, of course. Peter’s journey in the series will be unlike we’ve ever seen and a style that celebrates the character’s early comic book roots.
Enter below for a full Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man episodes 3-5 recap.
‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ Episode 3 “Secret Identity Crisis” Recap

The episode opens with Norman (Colman Domingo) showing Peter the footage of him suiting up in the stairwell, Norman says that the two will discuss this later but Peter’s secret is safe with him. We see a montage of Peter heading home with Norman’s words “So… you’re Spider-Man” echoing throughout. At Nico’s (Grace Song) house, she and Peter talk about the party that he missed and his experience at Oscorp. He mentions that Norman wants to meet him for dinner tonight and “pick his brain”. Peter arrives at the Eden restaurant, inside the place is empty except for one table with Norman seated.
When asked to order, Peter is shocked by the prices but Norman assures him that dinner is on him. Peter tries to talk Norman out of what he saw, claiming it was a prank but Norman easily catches on to Peter’s lie when he reveals only he has access to that camera. Norman says he would’ve been better off claiming to be friends with Spider-Man which is likely a reference to Spider-Man: Homecoming. Peter gives up and tells the truth, urging Norman to not tell Aunt May. Norman admires his qualities, he then shows Peter footage of Spider-Man saving Harry (Zeno Robinson) revealing that Harry is his son. Norman describes how he went about finding the identity of Spider-Man.
The Oscorp internship was a front, Norman suspected that Spider-Man wouldn’t be working at his company so he narrowed down the four smartest, young minds he could find in the hopes that one of the candidates would be assisting Spider-Man. Norman starts brainstorming on how he can help Peter, he feels indebted after Spider-Man saved Harry. Peter refuses Norman’s help, stating that he needs to do this alone in order to ensure the safety of everyone at Oscorp. Peter decides to leave the Oscorp internship but Norman urges him to stay, stating that he has a lot of potential. We cut to the streets where we see a young couple named James (Roger Craig Smith) and Maria (Anairis Quiñones) meeting a buyer.

They’re urged to put some money in a dumpster, Maria has her doubts but James assures her. The dumpster transforms, escaping and leaving behind a briefcase. Back at Peter’s apartment, Aunt May (Kari Wahlgren) is seen packing some boxes planning to sell some of Uncle Ben’s old items, once May leaves the room Peter notices some envelopes that say “Past Due”. Back at the school, Nico and Peter talk about him leaving Oscorp. Peter has doubts about leaving Oscorp because he wants to help May make ends meet. As they two approach the lunch room, Lonnie (Eugene Byrd) calls out to Peter telling him that lunch is on him. Lonnie tells Peter that they aced their first lab experiment and he wants to treat him.
Lonnie gets a concerning phone call from his mom, he asks Pearl (Cathy Ang) to give him a ride home. Lonnie and Pearl talk in the car, she mentions that she’s never seen his house before and he feels bad knowing this is how she sees it for the first time. He thanks Pearl and we see a police officer outside his home. Lonnie asks his Mom what happened, she explains that Lonnie’s brother, Andre was causing mischief with a group known as the Hundred and Tenth Street Gang. An upset Lonnie bursts into Andre’s room and discovers that he escaped. We cut to James and Maria at a jewellery store, using enhanced tech they manage to rob the place. Peter is in the area taking pictures with Uncle Ben’s camera, he gets the police report of the robbery.
James tries to take out the security guard but Spider-Man manages to stop him, Peter webs James but Maria frees him with her gauntlets, Peter is in shock at its power. A battle begins, Peter is struggling to hit James due to his speed while Maria is slicing through his webs, he ends up having a tough time defeating the two. We cut to Lonnie heading to the base of the Hundred and Tenth Street gang, he finds Andre and scolds him. The other members make fun of Andre and while trying to leave the two are stopped. Big Donovan introduces himself, telling Lonnie that Andre won’t leave. Lonnie tries to convince Donovan but ends up having to offer himself up in exchange for Andre.
Back to Peter he continues to struggle in the fight, a SWAT team is brought in to handle the duo but they easily defeat the team. Norman communicates to Peter through his mask becoming his man in the chair. Norman discusses a way to stop him, urging Peter to look out for an audible indicator. He manages to dodge James’ attacks and eventually stops him with some webbing. The two are captured and their gear becomes to overload ultimately stopping the two, Peter notices the weird symbol seen on Butane’s gauntlets. Peter returns to Norman’s office, the two laugh about the situation and Peter decides to welcome Norman to his team. Meanwhile Lonnie is also welcomed to the Hundred and Tenth Street gang before the episode ends.
Episode 4 “Hitting The Big Time” Recap

We begin at Oscorp where Peter is nervously conducting a presentation about the energy research division. Dr. Wittman is not happy with the presentation, scolding Peter and making him even more nervous. A security guard arrives at the lab to invite Peter to Norman’s office, the entire lab except for Dr. Connors finds all the meetings suspicious but Dr. Connors gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. On the way to Norman’s office, Peter bumps into Harry and the two make small talk. Norman is excited to see Peter, he turns on a “Do Not Disturb” mode for his office which Peter is impressed by. Norman shows Peter a news report about the Sokovia Accords, featuring a scene from Captain America: Civil War.
Norman assures Peter that he will handle the accords and states that Peter should focus on being a hero. Norman mentions that he had his team design a suit for Peter, Peter shows a design he came up with that’s very comic accurate. Norman shows a yellow suit with a cape that takes a lot of inspiration from Thor which Peter jokes about. When Peter tries to stop some criminals from stealing a purse, his cape is caught in a fence leaving him to be beaten up by the criminals. Peter asks for other suit options. We cut to Lonnie and Pearl at school, she asks about what happened to him after dropping him home, he assures her that everything is fine and says he has to run some errands to run before Big Donovan calls him.
We cut to Peter, everyone notices his new suit that looks like a Hornet. He struggles to learn all the new tech and causes a few mishaps. As soon as he gets the hang of flying, Peter is hit by a bus and returns to Oscorp. Back at the Hundred and Tenth Street gang’s base, Big Donovan is upset when he sees Lonnie studying. Lonnie mumbles his frustrations and Big Donovan sends him to collect some takeout. We cut back to Peter yet again, his next suit resembles Night Monkey from Spider-Man: Far From Home but is dubbed the Flying Spider. He helps a girl get her balloon back but she ends up crying, causing the civilians around Peter to attack him. Peter expresses his distaste of all the suits, Norman assures him they’ll find the right one.

We cut to Lonnie going to La Fresca’s, we spot a green haired woman with a scorpion tattoo looking at Lonnie the wrong way. Lonnie says he’s picking up an order for Big Donovan and everyone in the restaurant looks at him. Everyone begins to gang up on Lonnie, the green haired woman tells Lonnie to warn Big Donovan about them. Lonnie is being followed and he begins running, narrowly escaping him. Back at the Hundred and Tenth, Lonnie expresses his frustrations to Big Donovan stating that he almost got jumped. Big Donovan reveals that the green haired woman is named Carmilla Black, a lieutenant for another gang known as the Scorpions which is led by Mac Gargan.
Big Donovan tells Lonnie that without the gang he and his family wouldn’t be safe, Lonnie says he’ll find a way to protect them but Big Donovan reminds him that Carmilla has seen his face. Stuck in a tough spot, Lonnie has to accept the gang but on the condition that he isn’t left in the dark, Big Donovan says he’ll agree only once he knows Lonnie is loyal enough. Back at Oscorp, Norman apologises to Peter for all the failed suits stating that he’s only doing it because he wants Peter at his best. Norman mentions an arms race for new heroes ever since the events of Avengers and also references the Hulk vs. Abomination fight in The Incredible Hulk and Avengers: Age Of Ultron.
Norman shows Peter another suit that accurately represents Spider-Man, it resembles the Future Foundation suit. We see Peter swinging around the city, trying out the new suit. We cut to a heist with someone named Mikhail as the getaway driver. Other members include Roxanna, Mila and Dmitri. Dmitri shares a similar design to Dmitri from Spider-Man: Far From Home. The police attempt to stop the group but they charge right ahead, Peter notices the bank heist and goes after them. A fire breaks out and Peter stops to rescue everyone. Meanwhile the chase continues, Mila leaves everyone behind and they are captured. Peter saves everyone and they begin to cheer for him.
Peter returns to Norman’s office, Harry learns the truth about Spider-Man’s identity by pure accident. Mila hears a report about the high-speed chase and she continues to the mysterious buyer. The episode ends by revealing that the buyer is none other than Otto Octavius.
‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ Episode 5 “The Unicorn Unleashed” Recap

This episode’s title card is inspired by (comic). The episode continues the meeting between Mila and Doc Ock, Otto calls his products “enhancements” rather than weapons. Mila is given a helmet that’s equipped with movement prediction and a laser. We meet Otto’s assistant Vincent, who tries to lift Otto’s spirits. Back at Oscorp, Peter and Harry share some awkward moments after finding out Spider-Man’s identity. Norman enters and suggests that Harry joins Team Spider-Man to help Peter whenever Norman is unavailable. The two make some more awkward small talk before Harry offers Peter a ride to school, Nico expresses her concern with Peter hanging out with Harry.
When Nico shows Harry his social media profile we get an exciting picture with Luna Snow followed by some regular ones. Nico explains that Harry is a social media celebrity. We cut to Lonnie being lectured by Coach Grayfield for skipping practice, Lonnie explains that he has personal things going on. Lonnie assures the coach of his determination and he meets Pearl in the hallway. Pearl tries to ask Lonnie about what happened that day but he brushes it off. Nico and Peter talk about the accords but Peter is distracted, it’s revealed that Peter is a huge fan of Captain America. Peter buys tickets for him and Nico to watch a movie, she gladly accepts. We cut to the locker room and Lonnie meets his team before getting a call from Big Donovan.
Big Donovan says the Scorpions are approaching so he’s needed back at the base. We cut to Peter suiting up, he and Harry start talking over comms and get to know each other a bit. We cut to the prison where Mikhail, Dmitri and Roxanna are held, Mila breaks them free using her new enhancement but the police arrive. Roxanna says Mila looks like a Rhino however she calls herself The Unicorn. We cut to Peter stopping someone from stealing a bike before Harry notices an alert about the jailbreak. Mila causes massive damage before Peter steps in to save the day, the predictive movement tech kicks into action and helps Mila to hold back Spidey. Dmitri and Roxanna decide to escape while Mikhail stays behind.

We cut to a battle between The Hundred and Tenth Gang and The Scorpions where we meet Mac Gargan. Back to the fight between Spidey and The Unicorn, Mila threatens to hurt civilians to gain the upper hand. Mila decides to hurt Mikhail in order to win while Mac tries to stab Big Donovan causing Lonnie to save him. The police arrive and the two gangs run away while Mikhail and Mila get into an argument. Mikhail stops Mila from killing Spider-Man, Spidey manages to stop her and he thanks Mikhail for the assistance though he states that they are not friends and he will gladly kill him next time they meet. While Peter takes a moment to rest, he realises that he forgot about the movie with Nico.
Nico notices Peter bruised and he makes an excuse regarding banana peels, Peter invites Harry and Nico is a bit shocked. The three head into the theatre to watch the movie. Meanwhile at the One Tenth base, Big Donovan recognises Lonnie’s efforts to save him, noting that Lonnie has proved his loyalty. It’s this moment where Lonnie gains the nickname Tombstone before the episode ends.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, written by Jeff Trammell, stars Hudson Thames as Peter Parker / Spider-Man, Colman Domingo as Norman Osborn, Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock / Daredevil, and more. The first eight episodes are now streaming on Disney+, Episodes 9 & 10 premiere on February 19th.
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