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Marvel Animation

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man's second week sees the debut of Daredevil, Scorpion, Chameleon and Iron Man.
The first episode of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man tells the unique origin story for our hero, Peter Parker.
Before you catch Pearl Pangan in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, take your time first to explore her origin, abilities and the impact she brought in the comics.
The latest Marvel Animation foray gives us a fresh take on the iconic webhead without the burden of a cinematic universe.
Here’s everything you need to know about the webhead’s next animated adventure, 'Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man'.
Disney+ is set to experiment with a release strategy for their upcoming Spider-Man series.
The finale episode of What If...? provides a satisfying conclusion that ties in elements from prior seasons.
The webhead is back in animated form with Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, today a teaser trailer has been released for the upcoming series.
The penultimate episode of What If…? arrives, bringing back some beloved and some not-so-beloved characters.
Kate Bishop Hawkeye is back, but in a way you wouldn’t expect, with the Wild Wild West taking the stage for “What If…? 1872”.
The What If...? episode explores an alternate universe in which the Eternals weren't successful.
The Darcy and Howard the Duck centred episode is an absolute joy to watch.