‘What If…?’ Season 3 Finale “What If…What If?” Review
The finale episode of What If…? provides a satisfying conclusion that ties in elements from prior seasons.
Episode 8 is titled “What If… What If?” and serves as the final episode of What If…?. The episode immediately opens with a flashback for Uatu (Jeffrey Wright) before he took on his role as a watcher. I was excited to finally get some backstory to the character however it felt very minimal only serving as a means of foreshadowing and a segue into a joke. Read our What If…? finale review below.
As we’ve come to learn with What If…? it rarely stays as an anthology and with that in mind the episode not only connects plot points from this season but also the previous two. I really enjoyed how they connected the prior villains Infinity Ultron and Doctor Strange Supreme providing them with compelling redemption arcs.
I also found that this episode was animated the best of the entire season, and with good reason as this episode served as for a lack of a better term, “the third act CGI battle”. I was amazed at how well they handled a large array of effects that could only be made possible in an animated space.
On the topic, the season continues the trend of creating overpowered characters making the battle a matter of who can best the other. I will admit that I enjoyed it, the battle went on for a considerable amount of time but I was overjoyed to see everyone at their peak.
With a title such as “What If… What If?” many variants were present in ways you wouldn’t imagine. I enjoyed scouring the internet to find all of them and imagine the stories attached to them. Unfortunately, as this is the last season, a great majority probably won’t see the light of day which leaves a feeling of disappointment.
The episode concludes with a retelling of the intro that give me a sense of warmth, feeling a hint of nostalgia for the series we’ve sat through for almost 3 years.
Overall, while the episode may be a turn-off for some with the over the top effects and lengthy battle. I still had a lot of fun with it, I remain optimistic about the future of Marvel Animation.
What If…? Season 3, Episode 8 stars Hayley Atwell as Captain Carter, Devery Jacobs as Kahorri, Natasha Lyonne as Byrdie, Alison Sealy-Smith as Storm, Jason Isaacs as The Eminence, Jeffrey Wright as The Watcher, and Ross Marquand as Infinity Ultron. All episodes are now available on Disney+.
Thanks for reading this What If…? finale review. If you liked this review catch up on our previous What If…? coverage.