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Rebel Moon

‘Army of the Dead’ Sequels Canceled By Netflix

The Wrap reports that Netflix has “quietly canceled” all of Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead sequels and spin-offs.

‘Rebel Moon’ Director’s Cuts Review: Snyder Redeems the Irredeemable

The Rebel Moon Director Cuts are sprawling but flawed epics that carry a tight narrative and improve on the originals. Read our full review.

Zack Snyder Explains his Use of Slow Motion, “Slow Motion is Awesome”

Director Zack Snyder explains why he uses slow motion so much in a new interview to promote Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver.

‘Rebel Moon – Part Two’ Review: An Overcompensation Of Failure

If you thought Part One was bad enough, Part Two doubles down on all the worst traits of its predecessor.

‘Rebel Moon’ Review: An Unwarranted Rip-Off

Rebel Moon heads in the complete opposite direction of originality and is instead a conglomerate of many tired sci-fi and fantasy tropes.