‘Agatha All Along’ Recap and Episode 4 Prediction
Before the release of Agatha All Along Episode 4 it’s time to recap the first three episodes and predict what could happen next.
Before the release of Agatha All Along Episode 4 it’s time to recap the first three episodes and predict what could happen next. Spoilers for Agatha All Along ahead.
What Happens in ‘Agatha All Along’ Episode 1? (Recap)

The first episode sees Agatha (currently under Wanda’s spell as Agnes) being called in to help with an investigation surrounding a “Jane Doe” who had blunt force trauma. Agatha (Kathryn Hahn) finds her mother’s brooch near the scene of the crime, one of many clues for Agnes to discover her true identity. This episode holds many references to Wanda Maximoff / The Scarlet Witch’s (Elizabeth Olsen) time in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness starting with the black fingers found by any person corrupted by the Darkhold. There was also a mysterious book tag which read “Dialogue And Rhetoric: Known History of Learning & Debate” by an author named Andrew Ugo. When looking for this book in the Westview Library, Agnes learns that every copy of the book was burnt.
Agnes returns to the Westview Police Department where she is met by Rio Vidal (Aubrey Plaza), she learns that the body was also found with soil originating from Eastern Europe, the region where Mt. Wundagore is located. After a brief disagreement between the two, Agnes tries to determine the value of the brooch at the local Jeweler, Norm (Asif Ali), she learns that it originated from the 17th century and holds a lock of hair inside. A brief timeskip sees Agnes investigate the case further where she realizes that the mysterious book actually spells out D.A.R.K.H.O.L.D. Additionally, when the letters are rearranged Andrew Ugo actually spells Wundagore.
Agnes returns to her home where she meets Rio, they have a bit of a heart to heart before Agnes hears a strange noise upstairs. She discovers a suspicious teen (Joe Locke) rummaging through her belongings and chases him. This teen (who also goes by Teen) eventually gets hit by a car and is taken in for questioning, where Agnes discovers that there’s no information on him in the system so she goes in to interrogate him. Strange things begin to happen as she learns that her photos of the Jane Doe were actually flowers and when looking at Rio, it turns out that she was pointing to a painting all along. Teen then starts to recite a spell which is the first trigger for Agnes breaking out of Wanda’s control.
Agnes visits the morgue to check up on the body, she doesn’t see it until she begins to describe it again and the body suddenly appears with the Westview Library tag now saying “W. Maximoff”. Rio appears suddenly to tell Agatha that the witch is dead and she needs to claw her way out. Agnes breaks free from her “layers” which is represented by her various outfits in WandaVision, when she reaches her 60s look the Library Card now reveals her name as “A. Harkness”. She breaks free from her last layer and is brought back to reality, she goes outside to meet Norm who explains that she has been in Westview under the name of Agnes for three years.
When she returns home, she learns that she actually kidnapped Teen instead of bringing him in for questioning, she then wonders about Rio who bursts through her front door and begins attacking Agatha. The fight goes on for some time until Agatha bargains with Rio, asking that they don’t fight until Agatha is at her full power again. Rio agrees but warns Agatha that she will alert the Salem Seven who will arrive at sundown concluding the episode.
What Happens in ‘Agatha All Along’ Episode 2? (Recap)

Agatha opens with a short rant about Rio while the Teen from episode 1 tries to get Agatha to free him. He asks Agatha to take him on the Witches Road, Agatha is reluctant and warns him about the dangers however when he reveals that he broke her from Wanda’s spell she becomes a lot more agreeing to the idea. Teen reveals that he believes power is what he’s missing and wants to take the road to find it, Agatha still denies the idea until the Salem Seven is brought up. When Agatha asks Teen what his name is, a strange symbol appears on his mouth to censor him; she becomes intrigued by this spell and finally agrees to go down the road.
The two now work on assembling a coven to enter the road, starting with Lilia, a divination witch. At first Agatha gives Lilia (Patti LuPone) a test by pretending to enquire about her dead husband until Lilia sees through this facade and speaks Agatha’s real truth. Lilia initially denies the request until Agatha blackmails her with the eviction notice found in front of Lilia’s shop. Lilia uses her magic to gather four names of future coven members, Lilia also being on the list. Agatha invites her to her home and the two set off for the next person on the list, Jennifer Kale (Sasheer Zamata). Roughly the same events happen but this time Teen blackmails Jennifer with a lawsuit that she’s currently facing then the two head off to WestView Mall for their next candidate. The duo get Alice Wu (Ali Ahn) fired from her job at Hot Topic then remind her that Lorna Wu, her mother, was lost in the Witches Road. They’re unsuccessful then return home.
Teen organizes decor for the welcome party, Jennifer and Lilia arrive followed by Alice shortly after. Jennifer enquires about the green witch, Agatha doesn’t see the necessity in it, Lilia then mentions that it was a black heart (likely symbolizing Rio) but Agatha remembers Mrs. Hart and recruits her instead. Mrs. Hart, now Sharon Davis (Debra Jo Rupp), is easily persuaded into the group after Agatha claims she’s having a party. The coven then proceed to the basement where Agatha says that they have to sing the Ballad of the Witches Road. They begin to sing, at the same time sundown has arrived and the Salem Seven are making their way to Agatha’s home, Teen notices this and tries to barricade the entrances. The ballad doesn’t work at first so Agatha is forced to anger her fellow witches in the hope that she blasts them, eventually Sharon notices the entrance to the road has appeared.
The Salem Seven attack Teen prompting him to run to the basement, he quickly enters the road and everyone follows suit. Agatha closes the entrance right before one of the Salem Seven members can attack her and the entrance disappears. The coven then arrive at the road, take off their footwear and begin their quest concluding episode 2.
What Happens in ‘Agatha All Along’ Episode 3? (Recap)

Episode 3 opens with Agatha’s newly formed coven walking down the road, many are fascinated except for Sharon Davis who tries to leave as soon as possible. The coven has a bit of an argument as everyone is confused while Agatha keeps her cool. It’s revealed that Teen has a sigil which redacts his name (and other information as seen in episode 2) from witches. Sharon strays off the path and learns the price that comes with it as she’s nearly swallowed whole by a mud pit.
Jennifer notices a strange house in the distance and the coven walks up in wonder. Agatha excitedly enters the house and everyone’s outfit changes to match the theme of the home and the door is locked behind them. When everyone enters the Kitchen they are greeted with a card containing a riddle. The answer is Wine, Jennifer and Teen Head to the bar where she warns Teen about Agatha’s deeds, namely her child sacrifice in exchange for the Darkhold.
Sharon hastily drinks the wine and a timer begins, the rest of the coven partake in the wine except for Agatha who disposes of it in the nearest plant. During some small talk Sharon’s face gets swollen, slowly everyone else’s faces gets swollen and they realise that the Wine is poisoned. Everyone’s face is back to normal and they identify the specific type of poison they’ve consumed. Teen learns that Agatha didn’t drink the wine and the group forces her to.
Sharon is the first to witness a hallucination, reminding her of her time in the Hex and she then faints. Jennifer tells the group to find certain ingredients for an antidote. Alice, Jennifer and Lilia all begin to experience their hallucinations while finding the ingredients. When everyone regroups they notice the window cracking and water seeping in. They rush into the kitchen and begin brewing the antidote. During the mixing process Agatha witnesses her hallucination, a baby is crying and it’s revealed to be the Darkhold.
In the final moments, Jennifer can’t remember how to finish the potion and Agatha motivates her to complete it. They drink the antidote and the timer runs out, the oven door opens and water starts spilling in, everyone escapes through the oven and they finish the first trial. It’s revealed that it was too late for Sharon and she dies.
My Prediction for ‘Agatha All Along’ Episode 4

In episode 4, the coven shall continue their quest down the road until they arrive at the trial of the fire witch, Alice Wu. This trial will be deeply tied to Alice as seen in a recent clip for the fourth episode where she appears a bit frightened at the environment. Additionally through a Ballad of the Witches Road Featurette, we see the group performing the rock version of the ballad, previously sung by Alice’s mom, Lorna Wu. There’s also a demon seemingly being burnt by Alice in the official trailer.
Combining all this information alongside the ominous message Lorna gave Alice in Episode 3, “It’s my turn now, It’s gonna kill me”. I predict that Episode 4 will see Alice learning the truth about what happened to her mother whether she was killed by this mysterious demon or transformed into it as a consequence of the curse Alice mentioned. It seems like various members may become possessed at certain points of the trial and this is where Alice’s speciality in protection magic will come into play, drawing circles around the possessed to ward off the demon. I assume this occurs after the group performs the Rock version of the Ballad. Ultimately she will defeat the demon, end the curse affecting her family and come to terms with the loss of her mother.
Agatha All Along stars Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness, Joe Locke as “Teen”, Aubrey Plaza as Rio Vidal, Patti LuPone as Lilia Calderu, and more. The first three episodes are now available on Disney+ with episode four (written by Giovanna Sarquis) arriving on October 2nd at 6PM PT / 9PM ET. Find out when all episodes for Agatha All Along release and episode lengths for future episodes.
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