Editor-in-Chief, Co-Founder
Zanda is the Editor-in-Chief of Feature First and oversees the publishing of the outlet and content of the social media pages. He is based in Queensland, Australia and may or may not have a life like cardboard cut-out of Ryan Gosling in his room. Zanda has been actively turning Feature First into a reliable and high quality entertainment outlet since 2023.
Senior Managing Editor, Co-Founder
Based in Sydney, Australia. Sameer created Feature First with friends out of a passion for films in June 2023. He currently handles the administrative tasks, maintains the website frontend and creates graphics for Facebook and Instagram. You can find Sameer re-watching his favourite film trailers.
Managing Editor, Co-Founder
Co-Owner of Feature First, Ethan is an aspiring filmmaker & actor based in California. He currently serves as Managing Editor for Feature First.
Social Media Manager, Senior Writer
Mohaned is an Egyptian aspiring filmmaker who is considered a jack of all trades. You’ll see him writing articles about movies he’s enthusiastic about, making graphics for Feature First and most importantly manage the Twitter / X account.
Editor, Senior Writer
Lewis is based in the UK and writes about films and awards at Feature First.
Editor, Senior Writer
An aspiring screenwriter based in California obsessed with the inner and outer workings of Film and TV. Vishu serves as an editorial writer for Film, Music and TV.
Social Media Coordinator, Senior Writer
Nick is a writer at Feature First and helps manage the Twitter / X content. He’s based in Trinidad & Tobago and enjoys catching up on all things film, tv and gaming.
Senior Critic
Jack is an aspiring filmmaker based in Chicago who writes about films at Feature First.
Senior Critic
Hailing from India and trying to detach himself from the rat race, Chaitanya with his bubbling zeal for filmmaking is an avid cinephile with an equal adoration for physics, television, music and novels. When he’s not busy, you can find him cooking pasta while listening to podcasts. Chaitanya writes about television, movies and music at Feature First.
Artist by nature, music maker by choice, film enjoyer by force. You can always find Vincent stuck in gridlocked LA traffic.
Writer, Critic
Ansh is an aspiring filmmaker based in Texas. He’s obsessed with all things film and can and will yap at length about any and every movie and TV show he watches, which comes in handy for writing articles and reviews at Feature First.
Carlos is a ‘born to be cinephile, but forced to be an engineer’ from the Philippines. He is a film critic at Feature First and likes to go to theaters for the cinema experience. Now, if you’ll excuse him, he’s going to go home and have a heart attack.
Located in Chicago, Illinois. Leah is working on getting her degree in Marketing at the University of Illinois Chicago. For Feature First, she writes articles and reviews, all of which have to do with film. Her main interests include collecting physical media, watching old Hollywood cinema, and predicting every awards season months in advance.
Christopher is a writer based in London where he writes about Film and TV for at Feature First. He’s an aspiring screenwriter and when he finds the time, he makes progress with the few scripts he’s started. He’s also obsessed with gaming and everything Marvel, DC and, Doctor Who.
Shashwat is a writer from India trying to make a dent in the world of journalism. With experience from outlets such as CoveredGeekly and Murphy’s Multiverse, he writes reviews for Feature First.