‘Daredevil: Born Again’ Episode 3 Ending Explained
Daredevil Born Again’s 3rd episode ended with a bang, literally and figuratively. Here is a breakdown of what happened.
Daredevil Born Again‘s 3rd episode ended with a bang, literally and figuratively. Here is a breakdown of what happened, and what Fisk was referring to in his interview .Find out what happened in the Daredevil: Born Again episode 3 ending below.
This article contains spoilers for Daredevil: Born Again, Episode 3. Read at your own discretion.
‘Daredevil: Born Again’ Episode 3 Ending
Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio) and BB Urich (Genneya Walton) talk about the White Tiger case in a recorded interview. Fisk says courts and juries get it wrong and cites himself as an example.
Wilson Fisk: “The Ayala verdict is an absolute miscarriage of justice.”
BB Urich: “A court and a jury found him not guilty.”
Fisk: “Courts fail. Juries get it wrong. I should know. Now a masked vigilante, a murderer is allowed to roam the streets. A veteran of the NYPD lies dead.
Hector (Kamar de los Reyes) is getting ready for his vigilante duties. He puts on the suit as Fisk gives his interview. These scenes intercut together.
Fisk: “These vigilantes are a threat to any society. It’s based on the rule of law. A man who wears a mask to cover his face is a coward. These vigilantes are not heroes.
White Tiger is on the streets of New York looking for people to help. In the distance, he hears the scream of a woman.
Fisk: “I ran on a promise, and the acquittal of Hector Ayala demands I keep it.”
White Tiger runs towards where the sounds of the woman come from. He is shot and killed by a man waiting for him.
Fisk: “The rule of law must prevail”.
The murderer walks towards the camera, revealing that he is wearing a shirt with the Punisher logo as the screen fades to black.
Fisk’s Speech Explained

In the conversation with BB, Wilson Fisk depicts himself as someone who was a victim of the justice system. This is in reference to his multiple stints in prison in the Netflix Daredevil series.
Fisk gets arrested after the events of the first season of Daredevil. He’s shown to be in prison in Season 2 at Ryker’s Island.
Fisk eventually made a deal with the FBI through Special Agent Ray Nadeem (Jay Ali) in Season 3 that made him receive certain benefits as he orchestrated his scheme. He was eventually moved to the Presidential Hotel, where he started gaining even more control.
He got himself exonerated of all federal charges, making him a free man. That is, until the events of the end of Season 3. Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) defeats Fisk, and he is soon arrested by the FBI.

The key evidence in that case was Ray Nadeem’s video exposing Wilson Fisk and the FBI agents who worked for him.
What happens after that is unclear. We’re not shown what charges or sentences Fisk receives. It’s likely he didn’t escape prison considering the cops aren’t after him, so his release itself was legal. Whether he did that through manipulation again or through truly legal means is unclear.
Fisk is likely referencing both of these events when talking to BB about the justice system getting it wrong.
‘Daredevil: Born Again’ Fisk’s Anti-Vigilante Stance

A major part of Fisk’s mayoral campaign has been his anti-vigilante rhetoric. In episode 1, Fisk claims New York is devolving into chaos and lawlessness because vigilantes are running rampant. He ran on the promise of fixing the system, and fixing New York.
In Episode 2, after he becomes mayor, he continues to go at vigilantes. In particular he mentions Punisher (Jon Bernthal), Spider-Man (Tom Holland), and Daredevil. He claims the rule of law will return to New York City
In the interview with BB, he continues this. He aims it this time at Hector Ayala who was revealed to be The White Tiger. He claims that Hector is a murderer, and he’s been set free because the justice system failed.
He further pushes against vigilantes claiming they aren’t heroes. This is a major part of what Fisk is pushing to the public. He claims getting rid of vigilantes will rid the city of its problems.
Punisher Kills White Tiger?

At the end of the episode, White Tiger is shot by a man wearing a Punisher shirt with the signature skull.
A major part of episode 3 is in service of Hector as a character. He’s done a lot of good. It’s emphasized in court that he has saved countless lives.
Frank Castle is set to appear in future episodes of the show based on trailer footage. So he is involved in the show to some degree.
However, Frank is usually someone who goes after murderers. People who have done real, significant crimes. Killing a vigilante who has seemingly done so much good is not in Frank’s MO.
There are however cops who idolize the Punisher in the show which is inspired by real life. In the show, you can see certain cops have tattoos of the Punisher skull on their hands, and necks. Could it be them taking what they believe to be justice into their own hand? Perhaps because they were inspired by the speech Fisk gave.
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