All The Possible ‘Game of Thrones’ Film Options Explained
Warner Bros is interested in bringing a Game Of Thrones film to the big screen. Read our article to learn what stories they may adapt.
The Hollywood Reporter has reported that Warner Bros. is interested in a feature film in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire /Game of Thrones universe. To find out what the film could be about, read this article.
The article states a possible film in the ASOIAF universe is in very early development with no writer, filmmaker, or cast attached as of yet.
Warner Bros. has been quietly developing at least one film set in George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy universe, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Multiple sources describe the project as very early stage development, with no filmmaker, cast or writer yet attached. But the company is keen on exploring the idea of Westeros invading cinemas.
The property currently has 2 television adaptations with a third on the way next year. Moving to the film medium would be a major step for the property as it was previously avoided and meant to stay in the prestige television realm. There are currently several projects in the franchise in various stages in development and two of them, House of the Dragon and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, will be running parallel to each other once AKOTSK premieres next year.
Here are all the possible storylines that the film could follow:
Doom of Valyria

The Doom of Valyria is a very important event in the history of ASOIAF. Valyria was a city in Essos that was mysteriously destroyed by a cataclysmic event. Martin and the writers of the two shows in the series have been careful to not reveal the cause of the Doom. Several theories have been provided to explain the Doom with the most prominent being a widespread eruption of a chain of volcanoes or the involvement of dragons.
Aenar “the Exile” Targaryen left Valyria prior to its Doom heeding a warning from his daughter Daenys the Dreamer and settled on Dragonstone. His descendant Aegon I later conquered Westeros and established a Targaryen dynasty. Though it hasn’t yet been greenlit, a prequel series about Aegon’s Conquest has been reported to be in early development. Breaking the news last year, Variety also reported that sources have said there may be a feature film to lead into the series. If this information is accurate, the Doom of Valyria would be the most likely scenario. It would be a very bold step, however, since revealing the mystery of the Doom is unforeseen.
Blackfyre Rebellion

After the Dance of the Dragons portrayed in House of the Dragon, a second civil war rocked Westeros with the First Blackfyre Rebellion. Another war for succession, the Blackfyre Rebellion began after Aegon IV’s baseborn son, Daemon I Blackfyre claimed his trueborn brother Daeron II Targaryen’s throne. The Targaryens and the Blackfyres, along with their supporters, fought an open war for nearly a year.
Though the actual rebellion and civil war may be too vast for a movie, it is possible that the film could be about the reign of Aegon IV and his Great Bastards. The film could lead into the Blackfyre Rebellion which could receive a multi-season television show similar to House of the Dragon. It is worth noting that the Blackfyre Rebellion does not have comprehensive information covering it like the Dance of the Dragons did, as the second volume of Martin’s Targaryen history book Fire and Blood has not yet been published. If the film were to cover this part of Westeros’s history, it would likely need to wait until after the book is published unless Martin is involved behind-the-scenes to fill in the blanks.
Robert’s Rebellion

Yet another civil war in the ever so politically unstable continent of Westeros, Robert’s Rebellion is the prelude to the main story of ASOIAF/GoT. Taking place 16 years before the beginning of Game of Thrones, Robert’s Rebellion was an uprising led by Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark, and Jon Arryn against the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen. After Robert’s betrothed and Eddard’s sister was kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen, the Mad King’s son, Eddard’s father and older brother were executed by the king for protesting Rhaegar’s actions. Aerys then demanded Eddard and Robert be handed over to him by their friend and former guardian Lord Jon Arryn. He refused and revolted.
Of all the civil wars in Westeros, Robert’s Rebellion is ironically the least covered one given its recency. All that is known of the war is through small flashbacks and references to it in dialogue so a film may be the best way to explore it.
Post-Game of Thrones Spin-Off Movie

Up until recently, there were plans to do a spin-off about Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) after the end of Game of Thrones. Harrington revealed to ScreenRant that the series is no longer in development due to not being able to “find the right story to tell”. It’s possible that the original plan for a spin-off series has turned into a movie or that the movie could cover a different character or story, but still take place after the Game of Thrones ending. Fans have wanted a spin-off of Arya Stark exploring new lands since her journey began in the finale. Additionally, a film about the Seven Kingdoms under the rule of the new king, Brandon Stark, could also be a possible route for the film to follow. With so many beloved characters and open-ended stories, there is a wealth of potential for a spin-off movie.
With Warner Bros. eyeing a potential film in the world of Westeros, their plans reveal an ambitious strategy to make the franchise even bigger. More spin-offs and news is sure to follow.
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